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WA pub slammed for sexist banners promoting rape culture

Social media is alight with fury at the sexist signs erected to promote a New Year’s Eve party.



A hotel in Perth has come under fire for allowing banners denigrating women to hang from their balconies to promote an end-of-year party.

The signs hanging outside the Brass Monkey Hotel in Northbridge read “Daughter drop off point” “You teach her morals, we’ll teach her oral” and “Our couch pulls out but we don’t.”


Facebook users have expressed disgust at the signs, urging Perth residents to boycott the hotel and bombard its social media pages with poor reviews.




“Let’s unleash some 1 star reviews on Brass Monkey Hotel for degrading women publicly on a prominent street corner of our city as advertising for their Frat Party,” wrote one user.



“I think further action should include pushing for them to donate their NYE profits to a women’s shelter.”


“This is not humour. This is why rape victims do not come forward and why rapists become repeat offenders. Please let’s make an example out of the decision-makers behind this. Embarrassment, shame and being ostracised… I wonder what kind of victim those feelings are familiar to?”





Brass Monkey Hotel

“My understanding was that Northbridge was going to be “family friendly” for New Years?” wrote another. “Pretty sure these signs in the lead up are not exactly fitting the brief. It appears that they have attempted to be clever or humorous and failed miserably. The signs are just tacky. I know the party is to be “frat party themed” but come seriously…. this misogyny from a business is disgraceful.”




Brass Monkey HOtel

The hotel released this statement following the uproar:








Brass Monkey apology
The apology from the hotel

A hotel across the road, The Mechanics’ Institute Small Bar, hit back with their own banner, reading “Women are amazing.”




Women are amazing

A spokesman for ALH Group, the owners of The Brass Monkey, apologised for any offence caused.

An ALH Group representative had spoken to hotel management, according to The West Australian. “The banners were inappropriate,” the spokesman said.“We had some complaints about them, upon getting those complaints the banners were removed and an apology was posted on the Facebook page.”



“The content wasn’t appropriate and they were immediately removed.”

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