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We Finally Know Who Set Up Prince Harry And Meghan Markle

This story is so sweet
meghan markle prince harry

Upon announcing their engagement late last year, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry spoke for the first time of how they met, though they neglected to share one important detail. In their official interview with the BBC, Meghan and Harry revealed they had been set up on a “blind date” by a mutual friend about 18 months prior to their engagement.


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“I was beautifully surprised when I walked into that room and saw her. There she was sitting there and I was like, ‘OK, well I’m going to have to up my game’,” Harry said in the interview. “I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly… All the stars were aligned – everything was just perfect. It was this beautiful woman just sort of literally tripped and fell into my life – I fell into her life.”

Despite how adorable that sentiment is, fans of the Royal family have been dying to find out what social circle could have possibly included both Suits actress Meghan and Prince of England Harry in 2016. Well, it turns out, it was someone from within the fashion industry.

E! reports that it was Harry’s childhood best friend Violet von Westenholz, who works in PR for Ralph Lauren.


“Harry was having a really hard time finding anyone,” says the publication’s well-placed source. “It’s hard enough finding someone new to date. He can hardly go on Tinder or a dating app like normal people, but to meet someone that you actually connect with, that was proving to be almost impossible.

prince harry meghan markle
(Credit: Getty)

“It was something he had confided in his closest friends about; he was ready to meet someone but it was so hard to actually find the right person.”

Violet and Meghan became friends through her PR work – when Ralph Lauren dressed the actress for her Suits press-tour – and the rest, as they say, is history.


“Meghan had been a part of the London social scene for a while and had slotted into the high society set really easily. And so when Harry told Violet he was having trouble finding someone, Violet said she might just have the perfect girl for him.”

How sweet! Now, if only we had such friends to do this kind of match-making on our behalf.

This article originally appeared on InStyle.

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