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Tyra Banks Weighs In On The ‘Supermodel’ Debate

'We Are Stronger Together Than Apart'

There is a debate that has been waging for some time now over whether Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner – and other models of this social media age – can be called supermodels or not.


It started with Rebcca Romijn and then it was further fuelled by Stephanie Seymour, and then Kendall Jenner finally addressed it in a post on her website defending herself and peers.

While we’re not interested in pitting people against each other, we celebrated Jenner’s response, calling for women to support each other in their success and be a positive influence on each other.

And now model-mother hen Tyra Banks has stepped in to give her thoughts on the topic, being somewhat of an expert given that she is both one of the “original supermodels” as well as the creator of modelling show ‘America’s Next Top Model’.

In a post on her website, Banks outlines the challenges she and her fellow supers faced including having to navigate foreign counties with just a map in hand – no gps, no mobile phones.


“Fast forward to present day, and some of us are in a state of shock. We witness young girls on reality shows and super popular girls on social media now being called Supermodels and think, “WHAT?! It’s not fair! Is that kind of success even real?” I’ve gotta be blunt. Yes. IT IS REAL.”

“Now I speak to the new Supermodels…my sisters…my girls… I see you. You’re kicking ass, working hard, running from show to show, shoot to shoot and party to party (because you have to be seen and have a cool social media post that night because your followers are complaining you haven’t been posting enough lately). “

“You’re driving yourself into exhaustion all while showing the world post by post that it looks so easy, when in reality, it is anything but. The pressure is ON. You have to be perfect but relatable, friendly yet intimidating, sexy but not too much or you’ll get barraged with the capital ‘S’ word all over your feeds. “


“Yesterday’s “Trinity” is today’s #Squad. And what we all must remember is that we are stronger together than apart. I hope we can start to act like it. I’ve had enough pain from my modeling years in the past and seeing my sisters in conflict today brings back those gut-wrenching memories. So, let’s band together and unite. Please end the fight. #SupermodelSquad”.

“ The modeling industry is no longer an exclusive, unattainable club that few can access. Anyone can be a model!”

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