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These Ballerinas Dancing To Jason Derulo Will Make Your Day

This is amazing.
Two dancers perform energetic moves in a dance studio, both wearing ballet shoes and workout attire.

These videos of ballerinas from the Chicago Multi-Cultural Dance Center dancing to Jason Deruloโ€™s โ€œIf it ainโ€™t loveโ€ has been viewed over 6.5 million times โ€“ and counting.


The footage was originally posted on the Instagram by their dance teacher Homer Hans Bryant however when So Bailarinos posted it on their Facebook page the video quickly went viral. 

The girls are performing Hiplet which is a combination of hip hop and ballet which was invented by Bryant.

Speaking to BuzzFeed, The CMCD school administrator, Cheryl Taylor, admitted they were surprised by the response they have received but that the girls, who range in age from 12-16, are excited that they can share their choreography with the world.


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