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The Selfless Reason Why This Mother Is Carrying Her Terminally-Ill Baby To Full Term

This is an incredible story.

In a heart-wrenching act of selflessness, an American mother has made the decision to carry her terminally-ill baby to full term, in order to donate her organs.


The Independent reports the Oklahoma mother, Keri Young, and her husband Royce found out that their baby girl was suffering from anencephaly, a brain disorder, when they went for their scan at 19 weeks.

Anencephaly is the absence of a portion of the brain, meaning that the infant will only survive for a few hours after birth, or at most, a few days.

Keri Young opened up about her baby’s disorder on Facebook.

“She has perfect feet and perfect hands. She has perfect kidneys, perfect lungs and a perfect liver. Sadly, she doesn’t have a perfect brain,” she wrote. “We found out recently she has anencephaly and is terminal.”


She also wrote about their decision to continue the pregnancy.

“Faced with terrible options we have decided to continue the pregnancy to full term so Eva, which literally means life, can grow strong and give life to multiple people through organ donation,” Keri wrote.


“This was not an easy decision. For the next 20 weeks I will feel her kick, have the hiccups and we’ll be able to hear her perfect heart beating all while knowing we’ll only get a few short hours with her when she’s born.” 

The baby’s due date is May 7, and the couple are continuing to share updates on her progress until she is born.
Keri added in the Facebook post that it has been a difficult time for her and her husband, but she is confident that Eva will make a difference to the lives of other youngsters.
“As you might expect, we’re devastated but have an amazing support system with our family, friends, church and doctors. We’re choosing to try and see the positives in this situation and cherish our time with Eva, and be grateful for the impact she will have on the world in the short amount of time she’ll spend in it.”

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