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“It still feels strange I’m not carrying this child”

Sally Obermeder's surrogacy journey
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TV presenter Sally Obermeder battle with breast cancer has been well documented. 


Diagnosed in 2011, while pregnant with her first baby, Obermeder was given the all-clear the following year after intensive chemotherapy. 

But what few knew – and what few could have guessed from Obermeder’s bright and polished TV persona – was that the 41 year old desperately wanted a second child – and was privately willing to go to extraordinary lengths to make that dream happen.

After her battle with cancer, Obermeder was told in no uncertain terms by doctors that another pregnancy would be too risky. So she had several embryos frozen, and travelled to the US to conceive a second child through surrogacy.

Tonight, Obermeder reveals the heartache and triumph of the surrogacy process on Sunday Night, which travelled with her to the US. 


“It still feels strange that I’m not carrying this child,” Obermeder told Sunday Night, which looks at the laws both here and abroad that mean that many Australians choose to go overseas for surrogates.

Sally’s Miracle screens on Sunday Night on Channel Seven tonight at 7pm

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