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These Are Actually Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s Real Names

Yes, really

When we first heard the glorious news that the Queen has given Prince Harry and Meghan Markle her permission to wed, we have to admit we got a little distracted by her official message.


“My Lords, I declare My Consent to a Contract of Matrimony between My Most Dearly Beloved Grandson Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales and Rachel Meghan Markle, which Consent I am causing to be signified under the Great Seal and to be entered in the Books of the Privy Council,” the Queen’s formal proclamation reads.

Hang on – Henry and Rachel??

As royal tragics would know already, the newly-engaged pair actually both go by different names.

Let’s start with Harry/Henry. As the BBC explained in November, the ginger-haired younger prince’s full name is actually Henry Charles Albert David. His official title? Prince Henry of Wales, although he’s known by his nickname Harry.


There have been a long line of Henrys in the royal family, including the infamous Henry VIII (the one who courted more women than the Bachelor, and then had a nasty way of getting rid of them).

(Credit: Getty)

Meanwhile, Meghan’s given name is actually Rachel (the same as her Suits character). Even before she started acting, the 36-year-old has gone by her middle name Meghan, USA Today notes. 

Now please excuse us, we’re off to wonder what names Harry and Meghan call each other in the privacy of the palace. Henry? Meghan? Meg? Babe? (shudder). 


RELATEDThe Queen Has Officially Given Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Her Blessing

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