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Police Remove White Nationalist Memorial For Australian Justine Damond

Authorities are yet to lay charges over her death,

Police in Minneapolis have removed a memorial created by a white nationalist group, honouring Australian Justine Damond who was killed by police officer Mohammed Noor on July 15.


The organisation called Identity Evropa, who helped organise the deadly Charlottesville rally, said that it made the candle-lit “shrine” after prosecutors suggested there was not enough evidence to lay charges. The memorial was placed in front of the 5th Precinct, where Somali-American Noor worked.

“I condemn the perpetrators and their tactics in the strongest possible terms,” Minneapolis Mayor-elect Jacob Frey said. “Identity Evropa and those who share their values have no place in our city. Hate has no place in Minneapolis. Period.”

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Damond was shot and killed by Noor after calling the police to report a possible sexual assault in the alley behind the home she shared with her fiancé. Her death sparked widespread condemnation and led to the resignation of the city’s police chief.


Her family have recently criticised the investigation into her death.

“We are deeply concerned that the initial investigation was not done properly and with the greatest of integrity and sense of completeness,” her father John Ruszczyk said in a public statement.

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