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Kidnapped Woman Found Buried Alive Recalls The Horrific Ordeal

"When he closed the shed door, he said 'I love you'"

The woman who was found trapped in a pit dug in her neighbour’s backyard shed has spoken out about the terrifying ordeal. 


Jennifer Elliott testified in a preliminary hearing against Dennis Dunn, saying,”When he closed the shed door, he said ‘I love you,'” according to WCPO.

“I remember banging on the dirt and screaming.”

Elliott also testified that before she was placed in the pit, Dunn told her, “you’re mine now,” according to the station.

Authorities were called to Dunn’s house last Friday at around 2am, after Elliott’s mother alerted them to cries coming from the backyard. 


When they arrived they found Jennifer Elliott trapped in a hole which was covered with a wooden board and heavy objects. 

Her mother had reported the 30-year-old missing just two hours before. 

Police says Elliott was trapped for over four hours. She was thought to be having a seizure when she was found and was immediately taken to hospital for treatment. 


Neighbour 45-year-old Dennis Dunn, who has a history of mental illness, has been arrested for the crime. 

In October of last year, FOX19 reports he sent Elliott harassing calls and messages which she reported to the police, though she didn’t press charges.

Sherri Pettigrew, who lives nearby, revealed that Dunn has been infatuated with Elliott, saying, “Well it’s been on and off kind of like obsessive with her, he’s been obsessive with her a lot.”


“I can’t imagine the horror she must have went through and I pray she is going to be OK,” another neighbour said. 

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