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Melbourne man pleads guilty to attempting to arrange sex with 6-year-old boy

He was arrested in California while on a rugby trip

Michael Quinn, a 33-year-old geneticist from Melbourne, has pleaded guilty to travelling to the US for the purpose of engaging in illicit sexual conduct with a minor.


Quinn was arrested on May 21 while on a rugby union trip with the Melbourne Chargers.

According to court documents, Quinn was travelling with several other men, who were not aware of his plans.

According to the ABC, he used social media to connect with what he thought were “like-minded people” in order to arrange to have sex with a young boy.

However, in reality he fell into a sting by undercover agents. Quinn allegedly paid an agent US$250 to provide him with a young boy for an hour.


In court, US Attorney Eileen M Decker said, “Mr Quinn travelled to the United States to have sex with a young child.”

“Fortunately, law enforcement was able to ensure that no child was put in harm’s way and that Mr Quinn would face severe consequences for his conduct.

“He admitted to that in court and there’s really nothing else to say [other] than this is reprehensible conduct to take advantage of young children in such a horrendous way.”



According to court documents, Quinn told the agents that he was hoping to meet ‘other perves’ and asked if one of them would like to ‘molest a child together.’

Quinn’s lawyers and prosecutors have negotiated a 10-13 year sentence but it could be higher if the judge doesn’t agree. The maximum penalty of this charge is 30 years.

The sentencing hearing will take place on October 3.

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