If you have a child, you may be familiar with the screaming, screeching, whining and nerve-tingling temper tantrums that erupt over *literally* nothing. But, have you ever noticed that children tend to be much naughtier when around their mums? Turns out, there’s a reason why.
Child psychologist Dr. Heather Wittenberg explains, “Children save their best, and worst, for us, as parents. They’re their ‘true selves’ with us. It takes energy to ‘be good’ and follow the rules – especially for young children – so when they get home, they let it all hang out. The good news is that their deepest love, affection, admiration, and goofiness are reserved for us, too.”
So, in short, if your child misbehaves in front of you they feel comfortable, safe and supported around you.
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Whether your child is perfect at school, or daycare, or at a friend’s house and then they walk through the door as the loud, crazy monster you’ve come to know, remind yourself that it’s because you’re doing the whole mum thing right.
Watch below: Advice for new parents.