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Is Jennifer Lopez The Feminist Hero No One Saw Coming?

Rise, feminist Jennifer Lopez, rise.

Jennifer Lopez just dropped a super feminist video ‘Ain’t Your Mama’, complete with clips from a Hillary Clinton speech, and quotes from Gloria Steinem.


The video opens with J. Lo, shown as a television anchor, listening to Hillary Clinton’s 1995 speech at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women (“Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights, once and for all”), before facing the camera and saying, “We have a big, big problem, ladies. First, you’ve got to get mad!”

The rest of the video shows J. Lo standing up to men in a range of scenarios – from refusing to pick up her husband’s socks to fending off unwanted sexual advances from her boss.

The clip – which comes just weeks after Beyonce’s groundbreaking paean to female strength – has been widely praised by media outlets who have described it as “stereotype-smashing” and “politically charged”.

But others say the video is a pale imitation of a feminist crusade, and the scenarios it presents merely a shallow pastiche of genuine challenges faced by women today.


And our opinion? We’re guessing that IRL J. Lo probably doesn’t pick up too many socks. But any clip showing a woman literally breaking through a glass door deserves some credit.

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