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Jane Fonda Accepted Her BAFTA Award While Being Arrested

“I’m sorry I’m not there but as you may have heard, I’ve been getting arrested”

Jane Fonda received the Stanley Kubrick Britannia Award for Excellence in Film over the weekend, but instead of frocking up and attending the annual Bafta Britannia ceremony in Los Angeles, she accepted the award in handcuffs while being taken away by police in Washington D.C.


“I’m sorry I’m not there but as you may have heard, I’ve been getting arrested,” Jane said during a pre-recorded acceptance speech, referring to her three arrests for protesting climate change at the Capitol in Washington D.C.

“I decided that I needed to do more, so I moved to D.C. for four months and I’m trying to heighten the sense of urgency that there needs to be. Anyway, that’s why I’m not with you tonight, but it’s for a good cause,” she added. 

The video then showed footage of Jane handcuffed in zip ties as police escorted her away. “BAFTA, thank you!” she yelled out. “I’m sorry I’m not there! I’m very honoured.”


Back in September, Jane announced her move to Washington D.C. on Instagram, citing 16-year-old climate and environmental activist Greta Thundberg as her inspiration. 

“I’m inspired by @GretaThunberg and the young people who came out in unprecedented numbers, behaving like the mature adults in the room. Greta has called on us to get out of our comfort zones, stop business as usual and start behaving like we’re in a crisis, like our house is on fire…because it is. So I’m moving to DC to take more direct action.”


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