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Celebrities Are Taking To Instagram To Send Ivanka Trump A Message

"Dear Ivanka, you follow me on social media"

Last week, Ivanka Trump addressed the USA immigration crisis for the first time, saying that family separation at the border “was a low point” during her time in the White House.


The use of the word ‘was’ prompted many to point out that the issue is ongoing with many families still separated from their children and numerous claims of physical and sexual abuse in detention. 

Now celebrities who Ivanka follows on social media, such as Alexa Chung and Amy Schumer, are using their platforms to send the First Daughter a direct message, urging her to take action.

The post reads: “Dear Ivanka,


You follow me on social media. You said family separation was a ‘low point’ for you. The low point is for the separated families. You spoke in past tense. This crisis is ongoing.

As of now, 572 children have not been reunited. A child has died after separation. Approximately 400 parents have been deported without their children. There have been multiple claims of and physical abuse in detention. There have been psychotropic drugs administered to children in detention without parental consent.

These abuses have occurred on your father’s watch and under the leadership of Secretary Nielsen. End these racist, inhumane, and unconscionable abuses now!

We demand you call for the resignation of Secretary Nielsen!”


For more information on the growing uproar over the Trump administration’s policy, click here.

RELATED: This Recording Captures The Heartbreaking Reality For Children In Detention Centres


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