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Everything You Need To Know About International Women’s Day 2019


Dust off your sign, get that Beyonce playlist up and pop on your purple, International Women’s Day is back and bigger than ever.


IWD is celebrated on March 8 and is a day to reflect how far we have come and how far we still have to go to achieve equality. The day is a celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and a call-to-action to progress gender parity. 

RELATED: 10 Incredible Moments In History For Women

What Is This Year’s International Women’s Day Theme? 


This year’s campaign theme is #MorePowerfulTogether, emphasising the important role we all play – as women, men, non-binary and gender diverse people. 

“It takes all of us, working in collaboration and across that which sometimes divides us, breaking down stereotypes and gendered roles to create a world where women and girls everywhere have equal rights and opportunities,” the IWD website says. 

More Powerful Together is a call to stand in unison for gender equality.

girl power

What Is The Official Colour Of International Women’s Day? 

The official colour for International Women’s Day is purple — so wear a purple shirt, ribbon or be that annoying work colleague and write all of your emails in purple font.

When Was The First International Women’s Day Event Held?

The first ever IWD event was held in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on March 19, with more than one million women and men campaigning for women’s rights to work, vote, be trained, hold public office and end discrimination.


RELATED: Julia Gillard And Tanya Plibersek Talk Solidarity And Sexism With Marie Claire


How Can I Get Involved? 

As always, there will be a host of activities from festivals to exhibitions and even digital gatherings held across Australia and the globe is IWD. Visit the International Women’s Day event page see the full list of activities near you.


marie claire is also again taking part in the Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival with two incredible events. The annual International Women’s Day forum on March 8 with an impressive line-up of speakers including designer Camilla Franks, actresses Asher Keddie and Miranda Tapsell and politician Julia Banks. The 2019 Virgin Australia Grand Showcase will celebrate the incredible work of designer Carla Zampatti, with a special performance by Dami Im. Visit VAMFF.COM.AU.

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