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If You Like This Drink You Might Be A Psycho

Friday night drinks have never been more revealing

Going on a date tonight? You might want to pay attention to what drinks they order. Because if your potential love interest asks for a G&T, don’t hang around. In fact, you should probably run out the door immediately because there’s a chance that you might have a Hannibal Lector on your hands.


According to a recent study, people with psychopathic tendencies are more likely to prefer foods and drinks that are bitter in taste.

The researchers found that people who liked drinks such as coffee and tonic water, for example in the form of a G&T, were more likely to exhibit signs of Machiavellianism, sadism and narcissism.

And just to make them even more appealing, these same individuals were also more prone to being duplicitous, cold-hearted, vain and selfish. Oh, and more likely to derive pleasure from other people’s pain too.


So if G&Ts are for psychopaths, what do all those other drinks say about a person?

Here’s our not-quite-so-scientific guide to a few telltale date drinks. Don’t say we didn’t warn you…

1. Bloody Mary
Almost undoubtedly a complete health obsessive. Make sure you smell it because there’s probably not even any vodka in there. And everyone knows that people who drink pure tomato juice are not to be trusted even slightly.

2. Jaegarbomb
Definite Peter Pan complex. Still hasn’t quite let go of uni and resolutely refuses to grow up. Bail now before the student-style chanting and air punching commences.


3. Absinthe
Pretentious arty type who likes to think they are living in 19th century Montmartre. Probably owns a fluffy cat called Gerard. If they also have an easel with them, avoid like the smallpox.

4. Champagne
Seriously, who just casually orders champagne for themselves on a first date?! 100% narcissist.

5. Long Island Ice Tea
The type of person who literally doesn’t give a sh*t. Expect plenty of rogue behaviour during the evening. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing – it could go either way – but just to give you the heads up, you know?

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