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One man's perfectly brewed response to racist remarks

Indigenous man Jarred Wall gave new meaning to the term “kill them with kindness” when he sent over a pot of tea to two elderly ladies who he overheard having an offensive, racist conversation in a Perth café.   


Instead of responding angrily, Mr Wall, who was lunching with a friend at a nearby table, bought them a cup of tea and wrote a personalized note on the receipt which read: Enjoy the tea! Compliments of the 2 Aboriginals sitting next to you on table 26.”

Mr Wall took to Facebook to describe the incident, saying that he hoped the two women “will be a little wiser and think before they speak,” before adding the hashtags #blacklivesmatter.  “Hopefully there won’t be a next time!” 

His perfectly poised reaction to the incident has since gone viral, with more than 2,000 shares and 22,000 reactions — including his Mum, who has praised her son’s mature response.


 “I’m so proud my son that you rose above the hurtful rants of others. Kindness goes a long way, and you all walked away after with your heads held high.”

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