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11-Year-Old Writes Six Page Essay To Convince Parents To Get Her A Cat

"Give the little guy a chance!"

An 11-year-old girl has gone to drastic measures to convince her parents to buy her a cat, writing a six-page essay titled “Why I would love a cat, benefits of cats, and fixing problems.”


In the report, which her sister shared to Twitter, Romesa outlines some pretty valid points including, “having a cat to play with will make me feel less lonely.”

“It will also help me to get off my electronics because I will have a cute friend to play with,” she wrote.

Throughout the essay, Romesa dropped random (unsourced) facts: “People are less 40% less likely to die from a heart attack if they own a cat.” 


And even brought religion into it: “Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) always fed cats.”

At times, the 11-year-old just chucked caps lock on and begged: “WE LOVE YOU SO PLEASE GET US A CAT!! IT WOULD CHANGE OUR LIVES!!!”

And then played the bad parents’ card: “Who doesn’t want their own children to be happy???”


Speaking to Buzzfeed, Romesa’s older sister, Rimsha, said that thanks to the essay, she thinks it’s likely they’ll finally be able to get a cat. “I think chances are maybe 80% as of now.”

Amazing effort. 

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