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We’re Convinced That Bran Stark Is Really The Night King On ‘Game Of Thrones’

Hear us out

With Game of Thrones drawing to a close for its second to last season, different fan theories are emerging pretty much every single day. 


Why? Because damn it, we need answers. And if GoT isn’t going to give them to us, we’re just gonna have to make them up.

Who’s going to end up on the Iron Thrones? Are Jon and Dany going to get it on? Will The Hound and his brother, The Mountain, have an epic fight scene? Is this character actually Cersei’s son? Is a Stark sister going to die?

Now a new theory has emerged and though it’s far-fetched, hear us out. 

Here goes: Bran Stark is actually the Night King.


Reddit user turm0il26 is to thank for the theory, suggesting Bran tries to go back in time to stop the White Walkers, however, instead gets trapped in the body of the Night King. 

The user says that Bran went back in time three times. The first, to warn the Mad King to kill the White Walkers, whispering in his ear “burn them all.” However, The Mad King goes, well, mad, and burns all of his people instead. 

The second time the theory suggests Bran went back in time is further back to become Bran the Builder. He built the wall to protect Winterfell and came up with the term, “There must always be a Stark in Winterfell.”


The third time Bran goes back even further, trying to discover how the White Walkers were first defeated. But when he tries to get back into current time, he realises he’s trapped as a White and with all his powers, eventually becomes the Night King.

As both Jojen and the Three-Eyed Raven warned Bran, if you stay in someone’s body for too long, or in the past for too long, you can become trapped in it.

The theory also explains that this is why the Night King let Jon Snow live during the battle of Hardhome, saying that this shows there’s still a bit of Bran left amongst the evil.


Given the GoT plot twists we’ve already lived through, this could definitely be true. But unfortunately, only time will tell. 

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