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Finland Is Now Completely Run By Women

And their newly appointed prime minister is the youngest serving leader in the world

In a world that is continuously riddled with misery, Finland has been a beacon of hope for all. The country is thriving in every which way. Environmental health? Ranked first in the world. Academic success and an internationally recognised education system? It’s all for free in Finland. Wanting to move to the happiest country in the world? You guessed it, it’s Finland. Now, the country has made another major power move, appointing 34-year-old Sanna Marin as its new prime minister. Marin is Finland’s third female government leader and the country’s youngest-ever prime minister, as well as the youngest serving world leader.


Already dubbed “Finland’s answer to Jacinda Ardern”, Marin is not the only woman in the country leading the way. Currently, all of Finland’s five major political parties have women at the helm. That’s right, women are running the show in the Nordic nation and doing a fantastic job at it.

In addition to Marin who was chosen by her party, the Social Democrats, the other women include Katri Kulmuni, 32, leading the Centre Party; Maria Ohisalo, 34, leading the Green League; Li Andersson, 32, leading the Left Alliance; and Anna-Maja Henriksson, 55, leading the Swedish People’s Party of Finland.

Former Finnish prime minister Alexander Stubb, who served from 2014 to 2015, wrote in a tweet that having five women leading the government “shows that #Finland is a modern and progressive country”.


It’s also worth noting that of the five women now heading the five major parties, four of them are under the age of 35 – making a strong case for a growing, global youth movement in politics that is only just beginning.

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