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Donald Trump Pays Female Campaign Staff Less Than Men

This week in things that 'surprised' us...

In what could probably be considered the LEAST surprising news this week, Donald Trump has been revealed to pay women much less than men on his campaign trail.


The Boston Globe analysed the payrolls of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff, and found that Donald Trump was paying men one-third more than women, while Hillary Clinton compensated her male and female staff equally. Women also made up 53% of Hillary Clinton’s staff.

Not only this, but his team has also been found to be far less diverse than Clinton’s team, with only 9 percent representing minorities. Meanwhile, a third of Hillary Clinton’s team was made up of minorities.

This does beg the question of what kind of representation there would be in the Oval Office if Trump got elected – but we daresay we already know the answer. 

In related news, Hillary Clinton has earned enough delegates to almost certainly clinch the Democrat nomination – which could mean that we are one step closer to seeing the first ever female president of the United States.


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