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Did Donald Trump Plagiarise His Inauguration Cake AND His Speech?

Just wait until you hear where he got the speech from.

As the dust continues to settle following this weekend’s presidential inauguration which saw Donald Trump sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, more stories from the day continues to emerge.


One of the first of many questions that has arisen did Donald Trump plagiarise his inauguration speech – from Hollywood?

One line of his speech, it seemed eerily similar to that of the speech Bane (played by Tom Hardy) delivered in 2012 Batman film The Dark Night Rises.

Bane: “We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you – the people.”


Trump: “Today we are not merely transferring power from one administration or another … we are transferring power from Washington DC and giving it back to you – the people.”

Other rumours were quick to circulate that Trump had taken quotes from Bee Movie and Avatar – however these ones appear to be fake, with a number of sites reporting that those quotes never appeared in either film. 


However it’s not just the speech that had people doing a double take over the weekend. If the cake looked familiar, that’s probably because it is.

Trump’s cake bore more than a striking resemblance to the one former President Barack Obama had during his second inauguration in 2013, made by celebrity baker Duff Goldman.


“The cake on the left is the one I made for President Obama’s inauguration 4 years ago,” Goldman explained in the caption to the photo. “The one on the right is Trumps. I didn’t make it.”

And it seems the baker who made Trump’s cake confirmed the suspicions, taking to Instagram to say they were specifically commissioned to recreate Goldman’s 2013 masterpiece.

“Excited to share the cake we got to make for one of last night’s inaugural balls. While we most love creating original designs, when we are asked to replicate someone else’s work we are thrilled when it is a masterpiece like this one. @duff_goldman originally created this for Obama’s inauguration 4 years ago and this years committee commissioned us to re-create it,” they wrote.


“Best part is all the profits are being donated to @humanrightscampaign, one of our favorite charities who we have loved working with over the years. Because basic human rights are something every man, woman and child~ straight, gay or the rainbow in between~ deserve!”

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