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Brock Turner To Be Released From Jail This Week

The Stanford swimmer was found guilty on three counts of sexual assault.

The former Stanford swimming champ who was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman will be released from jail this week.


Turner’s case caused outrage when his sentence was reduced from the already lenient six months that he originally received despite being found guilty of three counts of sexual assault.

After just three months behind bars the 21-year-old will be released on “good behavior” with three years probation.

RELATED: 8 People Who Got Longer Sentences Than Brock Turner

The judge, Aaron Perksy, came under fire for light sentence but defended his decision, saying that “A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him.… I think he will not be a danger to others.” 


Many have attacked this statement, including Brian Banks, a black man who was wrongly convicted of rape and spent six years in jail for it, who thinks that the student’s ‘lifestyle’ and ‘privilege’ would have played a big part in choosing the lenient sentencing.

“I would say it’s a case of privilege. It seems like the judge based his decision on lifestyle,” Banks told New York Daily News. “He’s lived such a good life and has never experienced anything serious in his life that would prepare him for prison. He was sheltered so much he wouldn’t be able to survive prison. What about the kid who has nothing, he struggles to eat, struggles to get a fair education? What about the kid who has no choice who he is born to and has drug-addicted parents or a non-parent household? Where is the consideration for them when they commit a crime?”

RELATED: Protests Grow Over Standford Rape Case

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