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Baby Dies After Being Sent Home From The Hospital

Doctors said the baby was just teething and sent him home

Just days after being sent home from two hospitals and a GP, Malakai Matui Paraone’s life support was switched off on Friday last week.


Malakai’s mother Nicole Thompson had rushed her baby boy to hospital four days earlier with a fever, rash and restricted movement on his right side.

Thompson says she was told her son was teething, and doctors sent them home, reports Nine News

However the next day his condition worsened and Thompson called an ambulance which took them to hospital.

Malakai was assessed, treated with panadol and once again, sent home. On the Wednesday a GP diagnosed Malakai with a virus but administered no treatment.


On Thursday the boy was once again rushed back to hospital and within hours he had been admitted into intensive care and placed on life support.

Malakai died the next day.

The matter is currently being investigated by the coroner but the family are demanding answers.

“Three days I tried to get him help — three days, two hospitals, one doctor’s surgery, an ambulance trip,” the mother told Nine News. “If they had done their job properly my son would still be here.”


“My son had been fighting a virus all week and I was told it was teething. He had a temperature, vomiting, rash and joint pain,” she added to The West Australian. “Not one medical staff member over the three days I took him in thought they should keep my seven-month-old in for observation.”

GoFundMe page has been set up to help support the family. 

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