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Autistic Boy Reportedly Made To Sit Outside Classroom For Whole Term

A Melbourne school is currently under investigation

A Melbourne school is currently under investigation after it was accused of making an autistic boy sit outside on a beanbag to deal with his “challenging behavior”.


The ABC’s 7:30 spoke to a former teacher at the school, who has chosen to remain anonymous, who said that he discovered what was happening after he returned from long service leave.

“I don’t know how you can call yourself a teacher if that’s what you’re doing with a kid every day,” he said.

“And I said, what do you mean for the entirety of term three? They said, he’d come in in the morning and he would go outside, and he’d sit there for the six hours of the school day.

“Sometimes he would walk around the yard, but very rarely. Mostly just sitting on the beanbag — he might have had an iPad at times.”


This reportedly went on for the entirely of Term 3 – during winter – and some of Term 4. 

The man told 7:30 that one teacher told him she was documenting the child’s “treatment” as a directing form the school’s “management”.

The child’s mother was reportedly not made aware of the situation until the last week of the school year, despite it being “the talk of the school”.


Victoria Education Minister James Merlino tells 7:30 that the allegations are “concerning” and has ordered a review into the matter.

“All students, including those with special needs, should have access to fair, safe and inclusive schools,” he said.

A statement from the Education Department explained the school’s actions but has said all complaints have been taken “very seriously” and will be reviewed.

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