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11-Year-Old Girl Still Fighting For Her Life After Electric Shock From Garden Tap

She is in a critical condition

A young Perth girl is fighting for her life in hospital after she received an electric shock from an outdoor tap.

As 7 News reports, 11-year-old Denishar Woods is in a critical condition at Princess Margaret Hospital after she touched a garden tap on Saturday night at her family home in Beldon. 

Denishar’s mother, Lacey Harrison, said she saw her daughter fall to the ground screaming when she tried to turn on the tap. It is believed the 11-year-old had up to 230 vaults pass through her body. 

“She’s only little, she should be going to school tomorrow, not sitting in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of her,” Lacey told media.

Now, Western Australia’s electricity regular says a fault in the earthing system outside the public housing property could be responsible for the electric shock.

According to EnergySafety director of electricity compliance Mike Bunko, the fault was likely an upstream “open circuit neutral”, Perth Now reports. This could have been caused by a loose connection, corrosion, or possibly poor workmanship.  

A major investigation led by EnergySafety is now underway. 

Ms Harrison said she has complained more than once burning electrical smell at the property.

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