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11-Year-Old Girl ‘Consented’ To Sex With Man, Court Rules

Her shocked mum has spoken out

Outrage has broken out across France as a court branded the “sexual relationship” between an 11-year-old girl and 28-year-old man as consensual. 


The court heard that the man lured the young girl from a park in northern Paris to his nearby home after she met him there with the promise that he would “teach her how to kiss,” the Sun reports.

The Local reported the man allegedly raped her with the girl’s mum saying her daughter thought she couldn’t stop it and “went into autopilot.”

“She thought it was too late, that she didn’t have the right to protest, that it wouldn’t make any difference, so she went into autopilot, without emotion and without reaction.”


In a shocking ruling overnight, the court only charged the man with sexual abuse of a minor, saying that “there was no violence, no constraint, no threat, and no surprise” to justify the charge of rape.

They also claimed the girl had consented by default because she was not physically forced into the act, The Local reports.

There are now calls for France to introduce a legal age under which sexual consent cannot be presumed.

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