Married At First Sight’s Jess and Dan had a rocky finish to the experiment (to say the least), following the experts revealing that Jess had hit on Nic right before attempting to begin a relationship with Dan – which she continues to deny despite it being caught on camera.
Immediately following the explosive episode, the troubled pair appeared on Monday night’s Talking Married to debrief on the episode.
“It was disgusting, it was really, really hard watching it back,” Jess said from the Gold Coast home she now shares with Dan. “Seeing him hurt tonight, it’s hurting me as well,” she added.
“I’d be lying if I said it didn’t scratch the surface of some previous wounds,” said Dan, who admitted that he broke up with Jess “for a small portion of time” following the final commitment ceremony.
“I love the girl, but it’s an awkward position I’m in right now,” he added.
Host Ben Fordham then told the audience that during the ad break the couple had an argument, with “f-bombs going back and forth”.
“I did ask her the first time we had a chat, ‘did you try this on another guy?’ That’s the thing that unsettles me the most…if she was honest and just told me…I wouldn’t care. It feels like she goes down with the lie … dies with the lie,” Dan responded.
“It raises huge trust issues for me, and that’s what we’ve been struggling with over the last few months in our relationship.”

According to Jess, the entire issue has been “blown out of proportion in high magnitudes”.
“But I did hit on Nic, yeah,” she finally confessed.
“That’s the first time she’s admitted it to me…just right now,” Dan said, clearly frustrated by the unfolding events.
“I wasn’t interested in being with Nic, I wasn’t interested in swapping with Nic…looking back on it, it looks like I did hit on him and that’s what everybody here wants me to admit, so yeah I’m admitting it for Dan. I don’t feel like I did, but it’s obviously what Dan wants to hear.”
“It’s not what a want to hear,” countered Dan.
“We’re not having a fight on national television,” Jess replied.
It only continues.
“The best way to build trust would be to uncover the lies you spoke about first to make sure it doesn’t happen again, but it’s been three months and she, you just admitted it now,” he said to Jess.
“I don’t feel like I hit on Nic,” Jess hit back.
Eventually, Jess just stares at the camera and refuses to answer any more questions. Watch the full exchange below.
This article originally appeared on InStyle Australia.