Priyanka Chopra is known for her daring red carpet fashion (just look at her Met Gala red carpet look from earlier this year), but her most daring was yet to come. The actress stepped out in an edgy LBD to support husband Nick Jonas at the premiere of the Jonas brothers’ behind-the-scenes Amazon documentary, Chasing Happiness.
Chopra wore a dress by Galia Lahav, and it’s one of the edgiest looks we’ve ever seen her in. Aside from the thigh slit, it also featured padded shoulders and chainmail detailing at the slit and neckline.
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The premiere was a triple date for the Jonas Brothers band, who all brought along their wives.
Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas also took the opportunity to have a date night. They were pretty affectionate while posing, and Jonas was pretty committed to making his new wife happy. His first major Instagram husband moment was documented by photographers. Look at his concentration getting that pic:
They also took some time to pose too.
WATCH: Nick Jonas Gushes Wife Priyanka Chopra ‘Makes Me Smile’ As Couple Hits Oscars Afterparty.
This article originally appeared on InStyle Australia.