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If You Follow One Royal Instagram Account, Let It Be This

Gary Janetti is everything

Had it up to here with royal wedding puff pieces? We hear you. So God save Will & Grace executive producer Gary Janetti, who has dedicated his Instagram account to a fictional, egotistical, Meghan Markle-hating Prince George โ€“ follow if youโ€™re prepared to be that person laughing out loud on public transport.


Janettiโ€™s Instagram concentrates on the little Princeโ€™s loathing of newest royal Meghan, but his barbs donโ€™t stop there: heโ€™s also not a fan of his โ€œoverweightโ€ sister, Princess Charlotte, or the royal familyโ€™s most recent addition, ET-lookalike Prince Louis โ€“ and sassy cousin Savannah. The only people deserving of his respect, so far, seem to be Beyonce, Blue Ivy and the cast of Sex and the City (in case you havenโ€™t yet realised, Prince George is gay).

Below, a few recent gems:


If you want an entirely different take on Saturdayโ€™s royal wedding, join Janettiโ€™s 360k+ Instagram followers and tune in. We canโ€™t wait to see what heโ€™s got planned.


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