Like a fine wine, Cindy Crawford keeps getting better with age. At age 54, Crawford has been on the modelling scene for no less than 33 years.
How has she kept herself in supermodel shape for all these years? Well, there’s not a fad diet in sight, just a fine-tuned routine of healthy choices. “I never wake up thinking, ‘Gee, I really want to work out today,'” she told InStyle. “When I was modelling, I made myself do it so I could look good in a swimsuit.” Now, she keeps up her wellness routine because it makes her feel good: “Just knowing I’m strong has a huge impact on my mental health.”
Cindy Crawford’s Exact Diet And Exercise Routine
Here, we break down the ’90s supermodel’s diet and exercise regime:

Crawford’s exercise routine is equal parts cardio and strength training. “My go-to workout would be 20 minutes of cardio then weights,” she explained in an interview with The Cut. “Sometimes the cardio is jumping on a trampoline, using a treadmill or elliptical, or running. We have stairs going down to the beach from our house. I put on an audiobook or music while I run the stairs at my house for 20 minutes. I just finished the Amy Schumer one, which was fantastic.”
She’s also a fan of combining socialising and exercise. Crawford regularly attends S Factor pole dancing studio in LA. “[It’s] so much fun to do with a group of friends,” she told InStyle. “They keep it really dark, so it’s almost impossible to feel embarrassed.” Not only that, the 53-year-old also regularly goes on hikes with friends. “Once a week, I try to go on a hike with a friend so I combine exercise and girlfriend time—it’s the best multitasking,” she told The Cut.
As for consistency, Crawford tries to squeeze in a workout at least three times a week. “I try to get 20 minutes of cardio at least three times a week. Then I do anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour of old school lunges, weights, squats, and bicep curls—it’s just stuff that I learned 30 years ago.”
When it comes to sculpting her core, Crawford maintains her enviable abs through a compound exercise circuit that challenges all the stomach muscles. The supermodel shared a video to her Instagram showing exactly how she does it. In the clip, she steps up onto an exercise bench while holding a sandbag over head, thereby engaging the muscles of her midsection to stabilise her body. As she steps up, she pulls the sandbag into her chest, which also helps to tone the arms, glutes and shoulders at the same time.

Crawford’s number one diet rule is simple: cut out processed foods and replace them with wholefoods. “Diet-wise, I don’t eat crap, and I don’t eat a lot of packaged foods,” she said in an interview with Into The Gloss. “On a typical weekday I usually have a protein shake for breakfast because it’s fast—I need to get the kids out the door… For lunch I’ll have salad, sometimes with chicken, sometimes without. For dinner we’ll go for sushi, or if we eat at home I’ll try to make a meal like turkey meatballs with pasta, a salad, and a vegetable.”
Her go-to dessert? Dark chocolate. “I definitely need a piece of dark chocolate after dinner every night. If I don’t have it, I could eat a hundred other things and still not be satisfied,” Crawford told InStyle. “I try to be 80 per cent good 80 per cent of the time.”