The beloved Broadway musical Cats is being made into a live-action film directed by Tom Hooper, the Academy Award winner behind musical Les Misérables film adaption, and the film has an all-star cast to breathe new life into the story of the Jellicles.
News of the live-action remake first broke in 2018, when it was revealed Taylor Swift had been cast as the role of sassy queen cat Bombalurina, alongside Jennifer Hudson as Grizabella and Judi Dench as Old Deuteronomy. The star-studded lineup only begins there.
The movie’s first trailer drops on Friday, July 19, and ahead of that, viewers received an interesting behind-the-scenes video featuring the entire cast.
Watch it, below:
Who has been cast?
The film has a serious lineup. In the behind-the-scenes video, Hooper compared directing the cast to directing a group of “world-class athletes.” In addition to Hudson, Swift, and Dench, it stars James Corden as Bustopher Jones, Rebel Wilson as Jennyanydots, Jason Derulo as Rum Tum Tugger, Idris Elba as Macavity, and Ian McKellen as Gus the Theatre Cat.
Will it stay true to the musical?
Francesca Hayward, the principal dancer at the Royal Ballet, will play Victoria the White Cat. Larry and Laurent Bourgeois, the French hip-hop sensations known as Les Twins, will take on the roles of the cats Plato and Socrates, keeping the iconic dancing from the original Broadway production intact.
When will the film be released?
Universal Pictures has scheduled the release date for December 20, 2019.
Watch the trailer below:
This article originally appeared on InStyle Australia.