
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! January 29th – February 4th

It's a week to feel confident, Taurus! ✨
If you celebrate your birthday this week:
Your Year Ahead
Here’s a year when relationships enjoy a fresh lease of life, as you charm others with your innate Aquarian originality and intelligence.  Singles: you can be torn between craving the security of long term partnership and the thrill of unpredictable new love. If you’re exhausted by late March, it’s little wonder.   Illness, work pressures or domestic issues may leave you feeling drained.  Too much work and not enough play.  Happily, May offers a chance to step back into life.  Lines of communication reopen.  October ushers you along unconventional paths.  Just take care with cash flow.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 31st

Unexpected visitors or friends could become the bane of your life.  Although you might feel you can cope with whoever turns up, a certain blast from the past may still have the power to blind-side.  Not a problem.  Simply charm, and then disarm.  The more accommodating you are, the sooner you realise who deserves to be shown the door.  

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day:  Tuesday 2nd
Your confidence and optimism make a comeback, counterbalancing Mercury’s scrambled signals.  Many a karmic debt has been repaid, and much grace accumulated.  This is your time to shine, so be prepared to declare your most cherished desires to the world.  Your own agenda, driven by your soul’s unique purpose, comes to the fore.  

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Monday 1st
Life becomes more disruptive, as others seem to challenge your every word.  Home renovations could also take hair-raising twists, or machines and electronics go haywire.  On some level, though, these upsets could reflect your inner need for more emotional freedom or change.  No need to second guess your thoughts – your instincts are spot-on.  

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Friday 29th

Mercury’s back-pedalling could mean your finances are pushed to the extreme, but don’t fret.  In recent times, you’ve doled out much monetary kindness and now is the time to call some of these favours in.  If you can’t guilt-trip people into submission, you can at least ensure they’ll think twice before asking for your help again.  


Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:  Saturday 30th

Mixed messages could cause confusion later this week.  With Mercury slip-sliding through your relationship sector, avoid saying anything you don’t really mean.  You might say something on a whim and then come to regret it after the cosmic dust settles.  Think carefully before you speak – your words could cause others pain.


Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Sunday 31st
Even self-assured Virgos may find current planetary progress a tad perplexing. The meddling of a moody Mercury further contributes to an already tricky situation by introducing random elements into your life.  To add to the general disruption, someone from the suddenly returns.  Or just as likely, someone unexpectedly leaves.  

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Wednesday 3rd

For you, the idea of financial disorder is a nightmare.  But does Mercury care?  Not one iota.  This capricious planet is happy to slide you back into uncertainty.  There’s also emotional interplay at work.  Expect an office romance or personal versus professional conflict.  Perhaps more self-confidence would help you take bolder strides.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day:  Thursday 4th

Until your domestic life is sorted, nothing is going to make sense.  This week’s powerful planetary emphasis on your fourth house reminds you that charity begins at home.  Your desire to make a mark on the big wide world is admirable, but to do all-round good, you must give your full attention to an urgent situation within your immediate family.  

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Monday 1st

Expect a communication breakdown this week, Sagittarius.  A mischievous Mercury turns retrograde, making it harder than usual to get your message across.  You may have projects and potential deals in the mix, but hold off signing documents for a few weeks.  You may also suffer some insensitivity-syndrome, so think before you speak.  

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 

Best Day:  Wednesday 3rd

With last week’s uncertainty out of the way, this is a much easier week to navigate.  Aside from some confusion caused by Mercury’s mischief, you glide through the next few days with barely a glitch, and with the Sun in your financial sector hopefully bringing extra cash.  Just don’t spend it all on luxuries –  you do need to eat.  

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Friday 29th

Mercury causes stress-overload for many Aquarians this week, so it’s hardly surprising that your energy levels are low.  Stop being in denial.  You’re a powerful life force, but even you can occasionally overtax your strength.  And ease off the junk food.  Your body is meant to be kept like a temple, not a rubbish bin.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Saturday 30th
You have grand plans, but you might be a little hazy on the execution this week.  Don’t force something to happen.  Even if you’re eager for results, there are different details or people to bring together before your plans can really fly.  Meantime, meditate, journal, doodle, free-write.   A sudden inspiration presents an “a ha” moment.  

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