
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! February 12th – February 18th

See what the stars have in store! 💫

If you celebrate your birthday this week:


Your Year Ahead

Aquarians are rarely victims of circumstance.  While not everything goes the way you plan, most situations seem to work to your advantage.  Even more so this year, when the cosmos encourages you to follow your heart.  March brings a special mentor on the scene.  This wise old soul will help expand both your mind and your horizons.  April comes loaded with sparkle.  Your powers of persuasion prove irresistible in May and June – a time when you could talk yourself straight into new work or, perhaps – new love.  Don’t be surprised if some outcomes are different from what you’d imagined.  

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Saturday 13th

Someone simply doesn’t understand your thoughts or actions this week and they may even go out of their way to hold you back.  Best advice: never allow others to smother your dreams.  You knew what you wanted long before they arrived on the scene.  If this individual truly loves you, they will support you through thick and thin.  


Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 14th

A chance to cash in enables enterprising Taureans to make the best of negotiating skills. There’s a strong emphasis on money and property. This week also brings a crucial emotional crunch.  For a while now, you’ve been battling with difficult restrictions; and you’ve worn them well.  By late week, however, you can expect a happy surprise.  

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Monday 15th

Much can be achieved this week, but you must avoid burnout.  Push your energies if you really need to – but not to the point where you’re teetering on the edge.  Similarly, don’t let competitors force you beyond your limits.  Remember, you call the shots – not them.  Upside:  the week could also offer extra cash.  


Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Wednesday 17th

Times have been hard for a while now, with money issues demanding more attention.  Good news: this week, anxiety starts to ease, to the point where you can relax.  Quality time isn’t so easy to come by during difficult times, so accept this short spell of fun and friendship as a gift from the heavens.  Whatever happens, simply enjoy.  

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:  Sunday 14th

You’re entitled to be proud of your resilience Leo, as you’ve come through a difficult time. Now comes the irresistible urge for something new. This week’s changes release tremendous reserves of inner power – a perfect time for the real you to shine through.  If a constricting job or relationship is holding you back, this could be the time to break free.


Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Saturday 13th

Many Virgos have been rushed lately.  Perhaps you should stop for a minute, and tend to more mundane tasks – groceries, for instance.  You need to eat, my friend.  On the upside:  you start to notice much self improvement.  It’s all to do with a clever mind, confidence and strong personal magnetism.  You’re also entitled to your fair share of fun!

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Friday 12th

You long to confide in someone, but you’re not sure who to trust.  Holding your cards too close to your chest isn’t the best idea, since you need someone to help you process all those confused thoughts.  Just don’t call that gossipy friend, or someone you casually know.  Dial up a true confidante.  You could also book a spa session to simply relax.  


Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day:  Tuesday 16th

Your head’s spinning, Scorpio.  Not surprising, considering this week’s cash crisis.  And for you, no funds means no fun.  Perhaps it’s time to restore financial equilibrium. Soon the cosmos will step in with a emergency back-up plan, but not for a few weeks.  So until then, stay frugal.  There are many ways to have fun, without spending a fortune.  

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:   Thursday 18th

It doesn’t matter whether you focus current attentions on moving house, career or love – this week instigates changes – mostly positive.  Some say you’re impatient.  Possibly, but only regarding the trivialities of life.  The strong resolve you’ve had to call on in recent months will now make you much more confident.  You won’t be disappointed.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 

Best Day:  Friday 12th

If you can placate rather than push, you’ll be fine.  Unfortunately you’re in a stubborn mood and not really open to others’ suggestions. This week asks that you resolve any emotional issues. A tough ask, considering what’s been happening. Nonetheless, forgiveness of both yourself and others can only lead to peace of mind.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Wednesday 17th

Don’t let it get to you, Aquarius.  If this week runs more like a comedy of errors, try to laugh with every turn.  If it all becomes too confusing, things will just run amuck – so whatever you’ve had planned may not happen.  This needn’t be a disaster, even if it is unscheduled.  If still pushed for direction, be inspired by your amazing creativity.  


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Thursday 18th

Now, here’s a better week – as others seem more prepared to grant your requests.  By now you’ve probably accumulated a very long wish list,  so gently start hinting at what you want.  They say that there’s a time and a place for everything.  For you, it’s now.  There’s also focus on rebuilding friendships – more so via social media.  

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