
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! December 27th – January 3rd

New year, new you ✨
If you celebrate your birthday this week:
Your Year Ahead
The tail end of 2019 leaves some clues as to what’s in store for the upcoming year.  Even if most goes according to plan, early 2020 will still test your patience – mostly because of power plays.  No matter how fierce the provocation, stay in control.  Of course, that’s easier said than done – but here’s when your new spirit will shine through.  Maintain your truth and commitment.  As the year draws to a close, success is yours for the taking.  Better still, a new kind of authenticity will enhance your work.  Throughout 2020, too, the cosmos suggests mixing business with pleasure, with many nudged towards money and prestige.  Lovely.  
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
Best Day:  Tuesday 31st
This week sets a fun-loving stage.  One warning:  respect your physical and financial limits or you could indulge until you don’t feel so well.  Ditto for your bank balance.  The best use of this time is to find pleasure in romance rather than in the material realm.  Sure, you can spend up – just not too much.
Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Best Day:  Wednesday 1st

You have more charisma that you know what to do with this week, so schedule meetings and hot dates to make the most of this time.  Luckily, you won’t have to make any financial decisions.  For now, you need only be committed to having fun.  Singles are surprised by the unusual, while couples choose a change in scenery.  A great way to start a busy year.  

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Best Day:  Sunday 29th
The cosmos offers a change of pace for most Geminis.  Restless energy makes you look towards unusual directions for new experiences.  Some also receive unexpected visits or calls, or surprise others with good news.  Travel’s possible, along with the opportunity for new study in the new year.  
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Best Day:  Thursday 2nd

For some time, you’ve surrendered to other people’s wishes and needs.  This week releases your frustrated inner wild child.  The festive season offered the chance to free up some of those hidden desires, but you resisted.  Now, the cosmos pushes even harder for confined passions to be freed.  Let it rip, Cancer.  It’s been a long time coming.  

Leo (July 23 – August 23)
Best Day:  Tuesday 31st
For Leos, life is a great adventure – and it’s the excitement of starting something new that draws you on.  Structured discipline or routine holds no charm – you’re easily bored with the tried and tested and you prefer to learn through experience.  So if the past few weeks have felt somewhat tethered – this new year, you break free.
Virgo (August 24 – September 22)
Best Day:  Sunday 29th
This week, happy synchronicities start to happen.  If you can’t see signs of this, it may be that you’re still recovering from recent tensions.  The planets now put all their energy into helping you identify and fix long standing problems.  The eventual outcome:  genuine joy, both at home and at work.  
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
Best Day:  Monday 30th
Many Librans are starting over.  Though flying solo may initially seem daunting, there’s plenty to look forward to.  For starters, you can kiss others’ hang-ups good bye and release pent up desires.  There’s also a cosmic career push.  This new year, explore new avenues and contacts.   A completely “new you” is in the making.   
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
Best Day:  Friday 27th
Apart from the occasional moment of uncertainty, a delightful week awaits.  On the whole, most Scorpios feel energetic and confident.  Better still, both friendships and finances feature highly; and if you come across as being a tad over exuberant, you’ll be forgiven.  It is the new year, after all.  
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Best Day:  Tuesday 31st
The new year inspires a generous cosmos.  Some Sagittarians have been feeling bored or very tired, so why not welcome this fabulous phase of optimism and creativity? Are we talking more friends, better money, new romance or career achievement?  The short answer is “yes”!  Treat the week like a pick’n mix and choose where to shine.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 
Best Day:   Saturday 28th
Should the new year finalise a chapter in your life, take stock and follow up with positive action. If you need to make a break, quit that dead-end job or stand up to trouble makers.   And there’s much to be said for being in the right place at the right time. Mind you, it’s not always luck.  It’s often prior knowledge that gets you there.  Stay attentive.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Best Day:  Friday 27th

Someone’s sneaky behaviour has been causing suspicion lately so you may want to clear the air before the new year. Thankfully, a happier cosmos helps to lighten the mood.  Professional plans are put on the back burner – not surprising really, at this time of year.  Mars also encourages flirty communication and financial flamboyance.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Best Day:  Wednesday 1st
It seems the more you do this week, the more you get to do – but the same theme applies to spending.  You may find that one purchase leads to another.  Your love life looks just as casual.  You’re free to attract whomever you want, but choose playmates carefully, Pisces.  Some have claws, others bite.  It’s a wild world out there.

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