
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! December 25th – December 31st

See what the stars have in store
If you celebrate your birthday this week:
Your Year Ahead

With Venus electrifying your sign, all things Capricorn start to burst from the seams.  Surprisingly, this year – you aren’t phased by the unexpected.  Indeed, you itch to experiment with new styles, and friends.  A classy new look surprises everyone. This super-boosts your usual confidence and charisma.  Financially, Saturn helps to solidify business deals and professional matters.  End result?  Very-welcome extra dollars.  Promotions, a raise, new clients, landing a dream job or turning a long-time hobby into a money-spinner are all possibilities.  Use all this year’s magical energy and watch your life soar to heavenly heights.  

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Thursday 31st
Here’s a week for passion and pleasure, Aries.  Extravagance, too.  One warning:  respect your physical and financial limits or you could indulge until you don’t feel so well.  Ditto for your bank balance.  The best use of this time is to find delight in romance rather than in worldly goods.  Sure, you can spend up in the new year sales – just not too much.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 27th
Always the romantic, you enjoy love.  Just as well, as year’s end seems keen to play sexual broker.  Best news:  your natural mojo is at its most appealing.  For some, the past gets back in touch – though you should steer clear of previous ill-starred entanglements.  Rapture or wreckage, Taurus – you’re in for a raunchy time.  Unpredictable, too.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Saturday 26th
This is more like it, Gemini.  A week to indulge in the pleasures of life.  You’re in the mood for decadence and delight – or just being in the company of those you love.  An image update boosts confidence.  Whether single or settled, don’t be surprised if you receive romantic invitations.  Let the year’s stresses fade away.  

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Sunday 27th
Faced with the choice of work or play – this week, the pursuit of pleasure wins hands down.  You look ready to cut loose, and in the best of ways.  You can also expect a small shower of gifts or material gain.  There’s also more enjoyment at home, and an improved rapport with friends and family.  A fabulous way to end what was a difficult year.  

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:  Thursday 31st
Surrender the sterner stuff to the past year and indulge the new year festivities.  If love has been under lock and key, Venus declares an amnesty.  Don’t concern yourself with money issues.  Free up and unwind, Leo.  Look forward to renewed joy with family or an estranged friend – the divide might not be as great as you think.

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Tuesday 29th
Many Virgos have recently found a new kind of success and attention – but now that all the hard work is done, you should also take some time for play.  And you may as well surrender what’s left of your dwindling finances to the new year celebrations.   Just aim for a better financial game plan later in January.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Saturday 26th
Welcome to a energetic week.  Others might ease off, but Librans are still happy to embrace extra work if they need to.  It’s a great strategy, with rivals so distracted by the end of year festivities.  But it’s not all work.  There’s plenty of fun to be had too.  Should extravagance break your bank balance, it’s all fixable in the new year. 

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day:  Friday 25th
No one can accuse you of not pulling your weight.  You’ve been working long and hard, so stay primed for a special surprise.  Perhaps a pay increase, or a small cash bonus?  Many Scorpios also seem to be back in touch with every friend on the planet.  Singles may find romance through family connections.  End of year fun follows.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Thursday 31st
This week brings a chance to do something very different.  From here on in, Sagittarians are on a new trajectory that’s bound to alter many of their current circumstances.  If you wondering who’s suddenly on your side, look no further than super-generous Jupiter.     You’re also encouraged to take a well deserved new year’s break.  

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 

Best Day:  Wednesday 30th
Many Capricorns can expect a little extra cash and more variety in their lives.  Changes at home also keep you on your toes.  Though you’re usually a workaholic, this week could find you ducking out of the escape hatch.  Well, it is the festive season, after all.    You’re in the mood to pamper and play.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Friday 25th
Relationships, career or finances may have suffered a severe reality check this past year. Looking back, though, you recognise that each challenge has been a valuable lesson learned.  As a reward, the cosmos sets about restoring considerably more than was forfeited.  Prepare for the touch of good fortune, Aquarius.  

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Friday 25th
Look after your health, Pisces.  Sure, you can have some festive fun – but moderation is the key.  Thankfully, the cosmos doesn’t apply the same rules to romance.  Here, you can be as playful as you wish.  Just don’t place your all cupids in the same basket.  Recognise some affairs that don’t stand a chance – especially the secretive kind.  

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