If you celebrate your birthday this week:
Your Year Ahead
Your true test comes in learning to overcome obstacles. If you’ve become disheartened, remember that few situations are set in stone. When one way is blocked, find another. Everything shifts and changes, as 2020 sets out to prove. The cosmos brings joy into your relationships, while Jupiter gives the go-ahead to expand professional options. Not to be outdone, this month the Sun steps in to clear debts. But your true inner strength lies in the knowledge that there’s no such thing as overnight success. It’s a steady, but sure, climb and you will recognise each “a-ha” moment as it arrives.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
Best Day: Monday 23rd
Merry Mars continues to be magnanimous this festive week. An open-wallet policy is sure to keep everyone happy – except your accountant. Still, if you’re ever going to overspend, it might as well be now. Social invitations are also unlikely to be ignored. With special thanks to Venus, it seems you have a delightful time ahead.
Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Best Day: Sunday 22nd
The secret to a happy week lies in tackling necessary duties early on. So clear the decks and then relax. Here’s your chance to let everyone know how much they mean to you. December’s end brings a time for raiding new year sales and pampering. So right now, you need only exert yourself in the pursuit of pleasure.
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Best Day: Wednesday 25th
If granted leave from the daily drudge, drop tools and happily indulge in the season’s pleasures. And after months of scrimping and saving, you can finally let loose with the cash. Many will be showered in gifts, including yourself. Focus on love, as it’s not really a time for seclusion. Enjoy all that the celebrations bring.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Best Day: Friday 20th
It’s time to clear your work schedule, and then relax. Here’s your chance to let everyone know how much they mean to you. And even though you may have joined the celebrations later than most, you should still be lucky in love. Week’s end bring a time for spa and holiday treats. For yourself and perhaps, a special partner.
Leo (July 23 – August 23)
Best Day: Tuesday 24th
This week finds you fuelled with an irrepressible optimism. As a result, windfalls and wild excursions are likely. During the silly season, planets encourage spending sprees or speculation – which you happily oblige. But your real wealth lies in the goodwill of others. You love, and are loved. It’s group hugs all around.
Virgo (August 24 – September 22)
Best Day: Sunday 22nd
Welcome to a energetic week. Others might ease off, but you’re still happy to embrace extra work for the next day or so. It’s a great strategy, with rivals so distracted by the festivities. But it’s not all work. There’s plenty of fun to be had too. Should extravagance break your bank balance, it’s all fixable in the new year.
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
Best Day: Thursday 26th
Christmas is a gift in itself, and you deserve it Libra. Look forward to a shower of love and pleasure. The celebrations always encourage extravagance – and there’s no harm in stretching the bank balance. What’s the silly season for, if not to have fun? Those with free time should make the best of a sexual attraction.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
Best Day: Tuesday 24th
The mood is a festive one, although some family members can still draw you into those predictable Christmas spats (every year, like clockwork.…) Better news: an unexpected cash bonus. Love also looks exquisite as the month unwinds. When the cosmos aims its desires towards Venus, erotic temptation pulses through every vein.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Best Day: Friday 20th
Surrender the sterner stuff to the past year and indulge the silly season. If love has been under lock and key, Venus declares an amnesty. Don’t concern yourself with money issues. Free up and unwind. Look forward to a renewed openness with family or an estranged friend – the divide might not be as great as you think.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
Best Day: Saturday 21st
Most Capricorns can look forward to a relatively stress-free Christmas. If anyone deserves a few weeks of relaxation, it’s you. For many, it’s been a tough year. Life feels happier this week, with your social activity and sexuality soaring. And don’t worry too much about money. It seems that there’s more than enough to spare.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Best Day: Wednesday 25th
At work, many Aquarians have recently found a new kind of success and attention. Now that all the hard work is done, you should also take time for play. And you may as well surrender what’s left of your dwindling finances to the party season. That’s what the festivities are for. Just aim for a better financial game plan in January.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Best Day: Thursday 26th
It’s a week to put your life back on course. If energy levels are low, take a break early in the week to recharge your batteries before the Christmas celebrations really set in. Year’s end quivers with excitement. Start working your social list and make sure you grab all the cash on offer. You deserve every reward.
Tanya Obreza
International Astrologer
Tanya has been marie claire’s Resident astrologer since 1994. Her worldwide following includes horoscope features for many national and international publications. It’s Tanya’s informative, yet down to earth style that attracts millions of readers. For personal work and your own special discount, email Tanya at astrology@tanyaobreza.com.