
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here: May 11th – May 18th

See what the stars have in store

If you celebrate your birthday this week:


Your Year Ahead

This next year is packed with caring and sharing.  Gone will be the dilemma of choosing between personal and work obligations. And with self-esteem on the rise, you won’t be backward on the romantic front either. Even tired relationships seem to enjoy a fresh lease on life. You’re more willing to try the new or unusual. This also applies to matters outside the bedroom. By making yourself available, life’s endless possibilities become more accessible. Downside: should finances go into acute embarrassment around August – take the hint, and start saving. 

Aries (March 21 – April 20)


Best Day: Sunday 13th

Apply some self-discipline, Aries.  This isn’t the best time for tackling contentious issues head-on. If your emotions are feeling unruly, send them off to the sin bin where they can run riot amongst themselves. Right now, you’ve strong ideas about what you want done and when.  That’s great.  But a bit of tact wouldn’t go amiss either.


Taurus (April 21 – May 20)


Best Day: Tuesday 15th

Faced with the choice of leisure or routine – this week, the pursuit of pleasure wins hands down. You look ready to cut loose, and in the best of ways. You can also expect a small shower of gifts or material gain. Even better: there’s more enjoyment in the home, and an improved rapport with friends and family. 


Gemini (May 21 to June 21)


Best Day:  Thursday 17th

Geminis love to learn.  Many operate on genius level, but you’re also smart enough to know that you don’t know everything.  Unfortunately, someone may try to provoke you this week – so if they want to debate against you, you’ll happily oblige. But they’ll soon be sorry as you gain the upper hand…time and time again.  


Cancer (June 22 – July 22)


Best Day:  Tuesday 15th

Work may be slightly confusing, and the situation may not resolve itself until later this week, but life always has its ups and downs.  Understanding and accepting this helps us to hold a more realistic view of our journey ahead. Remember, though – that just as the proverbial ‘wheel’ can turn down, it can also surely turn up!  It’s an eternal cycle.


Leo (July 23 – August 23)


Best Day:  Sunday 13th

This is a courageous week for Leos, especially when it comes to travel and new ventures.  If well prepared, you could soon be treading more lucrative paths.  But as there’s still an element of risk involved – make provision for any sudden detours.  Should money plans be delayed, don’t let this ruin a potentially fun time – the best things in life are still free.


Virgo (August 24 – September 22)


Best Day:  Wednesday 16th

Foresight has its place in helping you to be successful; but this week may find you trying to second guess the future.  End result?  A whole heap of ill-founded conclusions – some of which are just plain wrong.  For now, leave prophecy to the psychics.  The cosmos also advises more care with financial matters, as not everything may be aboveboard. 


Libra (September 23 – October 23)


Best Day:  Thursday 17th

Right now things seem a little erratic, so making fixed plans might not be wise. Try to distance yourself from the chaos that others create. But if you feel that the confusion is coming from within, don’t be too hard on yourself. Truth is, most of our fears are self-inflicted, so perhaps it’s only you hesitating before taking the next step.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day:  Friday 11th


Scorpios tread their own path. Nonetheless, this week requires more of your involvement.  Of course, you may think that others are trying to interfere. Truth is, they’re probably only saying what you need to hear. Particularly regarding money.  So when it comes to finances – not so fast. Some of your shortcuts could end up being the long way around.


Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day: Saturday 12th


Major planetary influences channel extra energy into communication and work. And let’s not forget about play. You will delight in the company of friends and family, even those who seem demanding.  Those looking for romance should have little trouble finding it.  Indulge in a few luxuries, Sagittarius and possibly – a shared holiday. 


Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Best Day: Wednesday 16th


Recently, too many demands have drained the Capricorn spirit. No wonder you’ve scuttled behind closed doors. Take heart, my friend. A brighter time lies ahead. The greatest gift? A growing self-confidence, and an equally expanding income.  For some, this may relate to professional matters.  Others look to resolve a mystery.   An “a’ha” moment sheds light.


Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Monday 14th


Some Aquarians now put their thoughts to creating the future, while totally ignoring the present moment.  Allow yourself to have goals, but achieve them in the present.  The future is your artwork – paint it with awareness.  Let whatever happens unfold as you walk purposefully forward in the here and now. 


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day: Saturday 12th


Pisceans innately know that life turns in cycles, and that troubled circumstances are eventually replaced by good fortune.  Professionally, if you don’t like the way things are, maybe it’s time for a change.  Just don’t leave in too much of a hurry. There may still be alternatives to consider.  It could be a matter of simply asking for what you want.

By Tanya Obreza

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