
‘A Man Isn’t A Financial Plan,’ Victoria Devine On Why Women Shouldn’t Be Intimidated By Investing

The 'She's On The Money' host gives her top finance tips.

Money. It can be somewhat of a dirty, anxiety-inducing word, especially for women. Conversations about superannuation, investing and savings funds are among our most dreaded, but why? 


What if we flipped the script on money entirely, and rather than fearing it, learned to embrace the concept in all its complexities. Someone who has been championing this for quite some time is Victoria Devine. If her name sounds familiar, it’s likely because you’ve listened to her award-winning podcast, She’s On The Money

For women who have typically been intimidated by money, it’s an accessible, entertaining and above all else, helpful guide to taking charge of your finances in an empowered way. If you’ve already binged every episode and are keen to keep the ball rolling, Victoria has just released another tool that promises to keep you inspired. The beloved financial advisor has just just released her first book, also titled She’s On The Money


This book is the millennial money guide we’ve all been waiting for. Something you’ll actually look forward to picking up off the nightstand rather than dreading every turn of the page. It’s all about setting you up for a happy, financially secure future without having to sacrifice the things you love (hello, avo toast). From budgeting to clearing debts, investing and property ladders – this one has it all, and then some. 


To celebrate its launch, we had a chat with the lovely Victoria about why she’s so passionate about women taking control of their finances. We also got her expert insight on the big bad world of investing, given it’s only continuing to rise in popularity. Her advice? Women shouldn’t be intimidated, and micro-investing is definitely something to consider. 

Below, the full interview, and all kinds of worldly advice you can take right to the bank.

Why do you think money can be such a scary thing for women in particular?

Money is an incredibly emotional thing for most people – we tie a lot of our self-worth to it and use money as a measure of success even though our value as a person has less than nothing to do with the amount we have in the bank. I think the emotion is heightened for women in particular because for so long we have been left out of conversations around money – it’s been the territory of men and until recently, women haven’t really been given a seat at the table. Because of that lack of conversation and subsequent lack of education I think many women find money scary – they haven’t been given the tools to understand how to set themselves up financially and so money is a really daunting thing. Excitingly though, I do think this is starting to change; women are now having these conversations with each other and they’re getting excited about investing and they’re getting excited about saving and it’s so incredible to see.


What resources do you recommend for self-educating on money?

The brilliant thing about right now is how many free resources we have at our fingertips. If you’re just starting out on your journey to financial freedom I’d recommend podcasts like She’s on the Money (I’m not biased I swear) and My Millennial Money which take ‘difficult’ financial concepts and make them not only digestible but entertaining. It can be nice to listen to people speak about concepts rather than read them, but if you are someone who absorbs information by reading then have a look at the Australian Government’s Money Smart website which distils big money ideas down in a really easy way. Of course, my book is also a great resource!


Investing is huge right now, why are people so obsessed with it?

I definitely think people are starting to understand the value of investing in the sharemarket because of the power of compound interest. Australians are realising that leaving their money stagnant in a savings account earning them 2% interest is not going to help them create wealth over the long term. They’re also making the most of the suite of new options available to them such as micro-investing platforms which give people a taste of what the sharemarket is like without committing to it. I think it’s also starting to click with people that investing isn’t like gambling and it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme – it’s a long-term strategy.

Why is it important for women to take charge with investments given it’s traditionally a man’s game?

You might have heard of the saying ‘a man is not a financial plan’ and I couldn’t agree with that statement more. It’s important we educate ourselves and take charge of our finances so that we can look after ourselves in the future because you just never know how things in life will pan out. If we’re on top of our money and understand our investments and know our strategy back to front then we are going to be in a much better position if our relationship breaks down and we have no idea what our financial position is.


How can you get started in the big, scary world of investing? Any tips/resources etc.

Micro-investing is a great place to start – you can use apps like Raiz or Spaceship or you can take a step beyond that to platforms like Sharesies which allow you more control by enabling you to buy fractions of a share in companies and ETF’s. These types of platforms allow you dip your toe in the world of investing without you needing to commit much in the way of finances or effort. Complement this with reading, listening and talking to gather as much information as you can and when you’re ready, consider talking to a financial advisor who can help you establish an investment plan suited to your risk profile (the amount of risk you and your finances can withstand). It’s not something you need to rush into and there’s no point investing in shares without having a plan, so take the time to educate yourself before you start on your investing journey.


Do you have any top tips for things women should be doing to feel more independent and informed with their money?

My top tips would be to make the most of the free resources I mentioned above, start talking to your friends and family about money and don’t dismiss your ability to understand finance. I promise it’s not as daunting (or as boring) as it may seem.

Congratulations on the book! What are your hopes for it?

Thank you so much! It’s been a long time in the making so I am so excited. My hope for the book is that it reaches as many women as possible and not only helps them establish a plan for financial freedom, but that it also gets them excited about taking control of their financial future. It’s definitely not your ‘typical’ dry finance book and I’m hoping readers enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it. 


You can shop She’s On The Money by Victoria Devine, here.

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