
Victoria Beckham Works Out Not Once, But Twice Every Day

This is scarily intense
A woman with shoulder-length hair wears large black sunglasses and a bright orange top.Getty

What does it take to look like Victoria Beckham? Aside from birthday โ€˜cakeโ€™ made from fruit (in other words, no cake at all), itโ€™s this: two workouts every morning, both before 9am.


โ€œI get up quite early, around 6am, and do an hour in the gym before the kids get up,โ€ Beckham tells Sunday Times.

So far, so normal. Until, Glamour UK reports, she squeezes in a second workout before she goes to work. In other words, Victoria Beckham does in a morning what takes us at least a week (and tbh, thatโ€™s a good week).

โ€œIโ€™m very disciplined, I have to be,โ€ Beckham explains, without going into any detail on exactly why. Does she secretly binge on Tim Tams and chicken nuggets at 3pm?  Have a closet carb habit? A contract demanding she maintain a certain size for the duration of her marriage?


We may never know.

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