
There’s A Genius Secret Ingredient In KitKats And Our Mind Is Blown

It actually makes so much sense

When you taste something delicious, you just want more of the same and keep it coming, right?


Well that’s exactly what those clever people over at Nestle thought when they were concocting the humble KitKat.

Oh please, it’s just chocolate and wafer we hear you say. Well if you said that you’d be wrong wrong wrong.

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You know that layer between the wafers? The one they cleverly describe as the “chocolayer”? Well it’s actually smashed up KitKats according to the BBC’s Inside the Factory program


Yep it’s basically KitKat inception. Kit-ception? Too much?

Anyway so basically it’s the KitKats that don’t make the cut (for purely aesthetic reasons mind you), that then get broken up and go back into the production process.

Technicians go through the bars (yep that’s someone’s actual job) and remove any bars that aren’t up to scratch and put them back through the process. Talk about recycling. 


Although we can’t help but wonder how they made the first KitKat…

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