
Science Says Too Much Sleep Is Worse Than Not Enough

Sorry sleep lovers!

We already know that getting any less than six hours sleep a night is not good for you, but did you know that sleeping for too long isnโ€™t just as bad as a restless night sleep, but itโ€™s actually far, far worse?


In some rather unwelcome news, a research from the Chinese Academy of Medical Science has found that if you sleep between eight to nine hours a night you increase your risk of heart disease by 5%; sleep more than 10 hours and you risk jumps up to 41%.

The extensive study looked at cases of heart disease, stroke, and death over a period of eight years in more than 116,00 people around the world, and noted there reported sleeping habits. 

According to the research, the people who slept for more than 10 hours a day were in far worse shape than those who were functioning off less than six hours sleep.


Sorry sleep lovers, but itโ€™s looking like sleep-ins and snooze buttons gotta go. 

Lead author of the publication, Chuangshi Wang, said that the study doesnโ€™t definitively prove a link between too much sleep and cardiovascular diseases, but thereโ€™s enough evidence to show that thereโ€™s a definite association, โ€œToo little sleep could be an underlying contributor to death and cases of cardiovascular disease, and too much sleep may indicate underlying conditions that increase risk.โ€

So from what we lay people can understand from all this sleep science is that we should strictly be sleeping for six to eight hours every night. 


Sorry sleep lovers. 

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