
Nikki Phillips Opens Up About Her Private Pain

“I was on stage talking to 400 people. Whilst having a miscarriage."

The torment of suffering a miscarriage is immense for most women, but for model and fashion influencer Nikki Phillips, the experience held many added levels of distress.


Opening up to WHO Magazine podcast Raw Talks, Phillips described how she had to field questions about when she was going to have a baby from journalists at an event she was hosting — amid the process of going through miscarriage.

“It was a really, really, really hard time. (The night before the event) I was in an emergency and they wouldn’t even tell me that I was having a miscarriage. They let me go and the next day I was on stage talking to 400 people. Whilst having a miscarriage,” Phillips told WHO Magazine Editor Keshnee Kemp.

“I was on the red carpet wearing an adult diaper — and people were asking me when I was going to have a child. They were saying, ‘don’t wait too long because you’re getting older’ and I was literally having a miscarriage.”


In a period of time she describes as an “emotional rollercoaster”, it would mark the first of three miscarriages Phillips and her partner Dane Rumble endured before they eventually fell pregnant with their first child, Jett, now one.

Now preparing to give birth to her second child, Phillips, 36, describes why it is important to her to talk about her journey to conceive and open up the conversation around miscarriage — an experience that one in four women will go through. 

“There are so, so many of us – not just the women going through the physical loss, but the fathers and families who feel it too,” she says.

Hear more from Nikki here about her struggle to fall pregnant, the elation of finally having her son and how she’s doing things differently with baby number two. 


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