Seed Heritage, together with marie claire, recently launched its Seed of an Idea campaign to help women kickstart their own businesses. Given the current world climate, the campaign was aimed at supporting charities and local social enterprises who are dedicated to the greater good.
We’re offering two grants to bring these ideas to life – and in turn, give back to the community. The finalists have been announced and it’s your turn to have a say in which two will win a $10,000 business grant to bring their idea to life.
Take a look at the incredible finalists below. And don’t forget to vote here.
Life’s Little Treasures Foundation & NIDCAP
Life’s Little Treasures Foundation (LLTF) was established in 2005 to provide much-needed support and information to families of premature and sick babies. LLTF now works with 128 hospitals nationally to support families of the 48,000 Australian babies admitted to neonatal intensive care each year.
The $10,000 grant would be used to fund more than 1,000 colouring-in books and to support promotion and administration costs.
Learn more here.

The 5 Acre Project
The 5 Acre Project provides opportunities for youth who have become disengaged from society. It provides a circuit-breaker where they can work and learn on a farm in a non-judgmental, therapeutic environment. 5 Acres allows young people to get involved using permaculture and organic farming principles to grow beautiful and nourishing food and plants, cooking food for those on-site each day.
The $10,000 business grant will be spent towards employing a part-time case manager, to ensure young people have the wrap-around support that creates a successful model.
Learn more here.

The Magic Coat
The Magic Coat is a social enterprise helping children with preventative mental health and social/wellbeing strategies. The concept uses an analogy of a magic coat that children put on to feel calm, confident and caring towards others. Inside the magic coat is a number of magical characters that each represent a strategy children can use to help them solve a problem faced throughout the day without the need for an adult.
The $10,000 grant will support workshops in remote areas via digital platforms and physical workshops, when possible. Reaching families who are not able to access the workshops due to location or financial hardships.
Learn more here.

The Difference
The Difference is a micro-donations fintech that allows users to ‘round-up’ their spare change from any transaction made to the nearest dollar, giving the difference to a charity they wish to support. Users will be able to see their impact in real-time, seeing the benefit individual action can make to the collective community.
The $10,000 grant will help develop and grow the newly launched app into the market, allowing improvements on the beta version of the app and recruiting additional local charities.
Learn more here.

Tiddas 4 Tiddas
Marlee Silva established the Instagram page, Tiddas 4 Tiddas, elevating the voices of Indigenous Australian women and girls. Their stories are positive, powerful and inspiring to many young aboriginal females, helping them understand their worth and realise their potential.
The $10,000 grant will cover the development of dynamic video content for the program, in promotion to schools across the country.
Learn more here.

Don’t forget to place your vote!