
Millennials Are Having Less Sex Than Ever Before, Says Study

The Tinder generation is turning their back on sex

Not only do millennials have to face issues like rising house prices, managing huge student debts and balancing their pokemon go obsession whilst holding down a full time job, now a new study has found millennials are having less sex than their parents generation.


The study, published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, looked at the behavious of almost 27,000 subjects across multiple generations and found that millennials — so those born in the 1990s — are almost three times as likely to be sexually inactive in their early 20s as the generation before them was.

Even older millennials – so those born after 1982 – are more sexually active than this younger group is.

Despite the rise of Tinder and online dating, among millennials, 15 per cent had not had any sexual partners since turning 18.


“This study really contradicts the widespread notion that Millennials are the ‘hookup’ generation, which is popularized by dating apps like Tinder and others, suggesting that they are just looking for quick relationships and frequent casual sex,” Dr. Ryne Sherman, who co-wrote the study, told The Telegraph

According to The Washington Post, this generation have fewer sexual partners than the baby boomers and those in Generation X.

“As people have gotten much more accepting of all sorts of forms of consensual sex, they’ve also gotten more picky about what constitutes consent,” Coontz said. “We are far less accepting of pressured sex.”

While it seems like our parents are the ones having all the fun between the sheets, a recent study found that thanks to all that fun, there has also been a rise in STIs in the over 50s. 


Research from the University of New England reveals cases of chlamydia in people aged over 50 has doubled between 2004 and 2010.

Hmm maybe it’s time to sit down and have a chat with your parents about safe sex…

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