That’s it. Sunday night’s episode of Married At First Sight saw the final round of weddings for 2021! Tonight we watched the unions of Belina and Patrick (the cutest ever!) and Russell and Beth, who can only be described as… awkward.
It’s a pretty uneventful night of surprisingly sweet (again, slightly awkward) nuptials. Belinda wows Patrick with an incredible interpretive dance routine, while Russell and Beth, despite having zero guests at their wedding due to the pandemic, enjoyed an intimate—albeit once again, pretty awkward—one-on-one dinner for just the two of them.
From Russell disguised as Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews to Belinda’s dance, here are the best Twitter reactions to MAFS‘ fifth episode. For our nightly recap, head here.
So, Russell Is Actually Dan Andrews In Disguise?
Been a busy year for Daniel Andrews. Managing a pandemic and marrying a stranger on #MAFS
— Jill Stark (@jillastark) February 28, 2021
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It’s been a stressful year for Dan Andrews and I wish him all the best #mafs
— Ruth Hogan (@RuthHogan2) February 28, 2021
Russell before he says he’s vows #MAFS
— R.A Kunte (@RustyKunte) February 28, 2021
Anyone else from Victoria triggered looking at Russell #MAFS ?
— R.A Kunte (@RustyKunte) February 28, 2021
Yes, There’s Always Time For Interpretive Dance
Belinda is giving me Ja’mie interpretive dance vibes and ion like it #MAFS
— george can’t-stand-ya (@grgecantstandya) February 28, 2021
Lol, Dan Andrews jokes, interpretive dance AND pure awkwardness all round?
— petty cragdale 💮 (@artpunkamor) February 28, 2021
We are being SPOILED tonight, chums… 😛 #MAFS
Belinda: ”brb”
— The Purity Of Evil (@ThePurityOfEvil) February 28, 2021
Patrick: “I don’t know if she likes me…”
Belinda: *returns*#mafs #MAFSAU #MAFSAustralia
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Bel: Hello dancefloor, are you ready? #MAFSAU #MAFS
— 𝓛𝓮𝓪𝓱 (@LeahJayK) February 28, 2021
This article was published by the team at marie claire Australia.
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