
Kim Kardashian Has Addressed The Criticism Over Her Meeting With Donald Trump

"I am very grateful for the president for helping us out"

Last night Kim Kardashian went on her friend Busy Phillips talk show Busy Tonight to discuss all things Kardashian, including Kim’s now infamous meeting with President Donald Trump despite knowing it would be met with criticism from the public at large. 


Kardashian, who is a vocal activist for prison reform in America, became heavily involved in the case of Alice Johnson, a grandmother who was incarcerated for more than 20 years for a non-violent, first-time drug offense.

Johnson’s case is a federal one, which means only the president can grant a pardon. As Kim explained on Busy Tonight, the reality star had her doubts about visiting the White House but decided to go because she knew it was the only way to free Alice Johnson. 

Kim says in the interview, “There was, you know, a moment at first that I felt like, OK well, everyone is going to be upset with this decision, but I didn’t care… I am very grateful for the president for helping us out in that situation. I might not agree with the policies, but I stay focused on the subject, and for me, it wasn’t about politics it was really about people and her.”

kim kardashian
Kim Kardashian on ‘Busy Tonight’

Kim staunchly defended her position and her meeting with the controversial president, by making the very sound argument that she could not wait for a change in office to go and meet about prison reform, “They [the prisoners] would rather me not wait four more years for another president to come, or eight more years for another president to come that they might like a little bit better to make this move.”

Whilst Kim’s intentions were undoubtedly good, critics pointed out that such a meeting normalizes Trump’s questionable policies and behaviours. 

Busy asked the reality star how she feels about this line of criticism, to which Kardashian responded, “I just thought, you know what, everyone talks sh*t about me all day long anyway, I’m going to go and not worry what people say about me.”


It is to be noted that Kardashian’s meeting with the president was a success with Trump granting Alice Johnson clemency. Johnson’s 20 years to life sentence was commuted in June this year and she is now free. 

Say what you want about Kim Kardashian, but this was undoubtedly a good thing. 

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