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November Horoscopes: What’s In The Stars For You This Month?

The astrology hath spoken
Scorpio Season HoroscopeLeah Anne Early

Your November 2024 horoscopes are here! Here’s everything your star sign can expect in the month ahead.


Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

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Step up to the plate, Scorpio. There are challenges begging to be tackled. Take care, of course, but get cracking.

The showdown between Mars and Pluto pushes you to take on a challenge, whether mastering a new work skill or diving into a daunting undertaking. This planetary pairing fuels your progress, but beware: someone might try to slow or block your progress. Mars also kicks your professional drive into high gear, heading you towards success. Just take care not to sacrifice accuracy for speed. With Mercury retrograding in your money zone later this month, look closely at your finances and credit card expenses, and stash some cash for a well-deserved indulgence.

POWER DAYS November 1, 3, 4.


Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

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Mars and Pluto bring the heat on November 3, cranking the chemistry for singles and igniting passion for couples. But this isn’t just about sexual gratification, it’s about sharing your fears and vulnerabilities and opening the door to deeper intimacy. If that ends in some between-the-sheets action, consider it a bonus.

On November 12, Venus sweetens your finances, so go ahead and treat yourself, particularly if it makes you feel good inside and out. The sun’s entry into your sign from November 20 is your cue to set fresh intentions and manifest your heart out.

POWER DAYS November 2, 22, 26.


Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

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On November 12, Venus sashays into your sign, sparking an intense new romance that could go the distance for singles. Couples, take this as a sign to laugh more. Make time for fun, frivolity – and sex. Come November 3, Pluto calls for a relationship audit.

Are you feeling undervalued, or maybe you’re over-dominating? It’s time to either reclaim your power or
start meeting your partner halfway. Mercury’s backspin invites you to step away from your daily grind. If you can’t jet off on a great escape, find your sanctuary in a quiet corner of your mind to refresh and realign.

POWER DAYS November 3, 12, 13.


Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

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Mars enters your relationship sector on November 4, lighting a few fires. Debating with gusto is fine, just don’t let things blow up. If you’re in a business duo, your contributions are warmly recognised this month. Venus awakens your spiritual curiosity; think meditation sessions that actually hold your focus, or hunting down that perfect crystal to energise your space. By the 26th, Mercury’s rewind lets you reconcile a friendship, or release and move on.

After a family matter is resolved, November’s full moon on the 16th sees you celebrating with your favourite folk.

POWER DAYS November 17, 20, 22.


Pisces (February 19–March 20)

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Mars elevates your workouts, but the red planet also tempts you to overdo it, potentially leading to slips or spills. Just be sensible. A brilliant woman with a vivacious vibe brightens your social life; look out for a special invite that makes you feel like a star. November’s full moon on the 16th encourages you to express any bottled-up emotions, lightening your load as you speak up.

With Saturn resuming direct motion in your sign on the same day, obstacles melt away, freeing you to move past frustrating roadblocks or to kickstart that personal project stuck in limbo.

POWER DAYS November 2, 10, 16.


Aries (March 21–April 19)

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On November 1, the new moon invites you to reveal a secret that’s been weighing on you. Sharing might feel daunting, but it’s the first step towards healing – no judgement here.

A few days later, on November 4, Mars skips into your pleasure zone, reminding you that all work and no play isn’t sustainable. Remember, a little relaxation can actually boost your productivity. By November 22, you’ll be dreaming of new destinations to explore, thanks to the sun sparking wanderlust. But watch out, Mercury retrogrades soon after, so double-check those travel plans to keep your adventure smooth.

POWER DAYS November 2, 4, 12.


Taurus (April 20–May 20)

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The new moon on November 1 invites a relationship reset. For troubled couples, it’s the cue to smooth out the bumps, or to walk away if love has left the building. Singles find themselves drawn to someone who brings more to the table in terms of passion, substance and depth.

As Mars enters your home zone, be cautious of conflicts where ego may overshadow the underlying issues. The full moon in your sign on November 16 brings your loftiest ambitions to the forefront, making it a potent time for manifesting your goals. Ensure your vision is precise and your plans are actionable.

POWER DAYS November 12, 16, 17.


Gemini (May 21–June 20)

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On November 3, Mercury opens doors to successful collaborations and joint ventures with a business partner, an agent or a new team member. Make the most of this opportunity to align on shared objectives and strategic plans.

Remember, though, Mercury’s retrograde starts on November 26, so iron out any details and set clear expectations early on. By November 16, the full moon permits you to unplug. If you’ve been all over the place, solitude is the key to dreaming up your next big idea. Also, if you’re eyeing new skills or courses, Pluto’s support on November 20 comes in handy.

POWER DAYS November 2, 26, 27.


Cancer (June 21–July 22)

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Expect some relationship fireworks when Mars faces off with Pluto on November 3. Locked in a power struggle? The smart move is to play it cool and let the other person believe they’ve won, at least for now. Venus swoops in on November 12, enhancing your diplomacy and smoothing ruffled feathers.

By November 20, Pluto gets your money house in order – loans, investments, debts, the works. It demands sacrifice, but cleaning up your finances helps you regain a sense of control. The full moon on November 16 ticks a wish off your list, leaving you hungry for the next challenge.

POWER DAYS November 1, 3, 16.


Leo (July 23–August 22)

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On November 4, Mars barrels into your sign, fuelling you with unmatched motivation to achieve an ambition. Yet while this energy propels you forward, the red planet also heightens the risk of mishaps; moderation is key. Before Pluto revisits your relationship zone on November 20, take time to heal old wounds or tie up emotional loose ends with exes, clearing the path for current or future romances.

The full moon on November 16 brings a celebratory moment for couples, like an engagement, moving in together, or a big purchase, marking a milestone in your shared journey.

POWER DAYS November 4, 23, 27.


Virgo (August 23–September 22)

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November’s new moon ensures you are heard, whether voicing your needs in personal relationships or sharpening your social media and business messages. Venus steps into your creative space on November 12, which is ideal for artsy types looking to cash in on their skills. A romance with staying power is in the wings if you’re single. For couples, especially those navigating parenthood, the sun suggests new methods to overcome a reassuring issue.

On November 22, the focus shifts to home matters; whether a major repair or navigating real-estate deals, it’s time to get things sorted.

POWER DAYS November 3, 13, 26.


Libra (September 23–October 22)

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Mars and Pluto’s face-off sees you wrestling with the demands of career or family versus the call of a personal dream. It’s a delicate balance, but keep sight of what makes you happy; sacrificing your own needs could brew bitterness.

Financially, the full moon on November 16 triggers uncertainty, yet it also cracks open the door to fresh money-making possibilities. From November 20, passionate Pluto invites you to discover romance in the routine – those ordinary moments that, when appreciated, can feel just as euphoric as any grand love affair.

POWER DAYS November 4, 12, 16.


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