This is your year of breakthroughs and radical change. As Pluto makes your sign its home, a profound transformation begins. Yet your evolution is a journey, not a destination. You’re laying the groundwork for lasting success, so take your time and nurture your growth.
The power planet calls you from frivolity to fierce accountability, as you graduate from life’s playground to its boardroom. From April, Jupiter waves a tantalising opportunity; own your decisions, be your own boss and claim your sweet reward by October. See your full horoscope below.
Love and Relationships
Uranus revolutionises your romantic radar, and what once seemed irresistible (the stable banker or free-spirited artist) now feels flat. For couples, April’s Mars energy demands skilful communication, not confrontation.
Let your sexual chemistry be the bridge over troubled waters. Whether single or coupled, this year’s eclipses tempt you to taste new erotic flavours. And those family wrinkles? They’re finally smoothing themselves out.
Cash and Career
The 2025 eclipses illuminate your financial blind spots, highlighting the money moves that need modernising. If investments are draining rather than gaining, it’s time to pull the plug;
no more funding dead-end ventures or business partners who don’t add value.
Though opportunities dazzle throughout February, March, August and September, stay sharp and scrutinise the fine print. Meanwhile, Mercury’s November backspin offers a career do-over or a sweet second shot at a professional triumph.
Health and Happiness
If Mars has triggered health hiccups, February brings relief. When the red planet exits in April, vitality returns, bringing steadier energy levels and restorative sleep. Mindful yoga, nature walks or tai chi become your medicine.
July’s full moon holds special magic, so pay attention to those dream messages; your angels are sending answers.
Power Dates
January 27, April 17, June 24, August 7
2025 Mantra
I am the architect of my transformation.
This is an edited extract from Your Celestial Compass by Natasha Weber (Penguin Books, $36.99).