
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here: May 3- May 9

See what the stars have in store
If you celebrate your birthday this week:
Your Year Ahead

Great connections, lucrative deals and a full-on pace.  That’s what this year has in mind, again putting your natural Taurean resilience to the test.  Although the idea of more hard work may not appeal, at least you’ll be better paid.  The cosmos brings unique ways to increase your income, and still have fun in the process. Just remember that despite your own honesty, others could have hidden agendas. And should there be mounting tension between personal and professional responsibilities – prioritise, and leave time for play. That way, both your sanity and your relationships should remain intact.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 5th


This is more like it.  A week drenched in romantic opportunity. Your deviations could fling you into a far more colourful social circle. Even so, you may go overboard. If in the mood for something more exotic, grab a friend and head on holiday.  For others, a chance encounter tempts you to breathe new life into an old flame.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day:  Thursday 9th

If you feel a vague irritation or even anger – look within.  Perhaps something or someone from your past needs attention?  Resolve matters once and for all, and then be willing to discard what’s outworn and embrace the new. A hard ask as, right now, it seems that every decision leads to yet another option. Choose your direction, and stick with it.


Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Wednesday 8th

Conflict seems the norm this week. Perhaps ideals have been a smidgen on the upper side – asking too much of yourself or others.  To avoid explosive emotions, try not to get your wires crossed.  Make sure you know all of the facts before hitting the detonator.  To de-stress, take a very long walk.  Fortunately, you’ll soon start to reestablish warmer ties.  

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)


Best Day:  Saturday 4th

Not all seems as straight forward as you’d like.  Relationships come under fire, with some partnerships having to detour from their usual routine.  Should friends or colleagues make excessive demands – expect conflict, but it need not escalate into war.  Disarm with kindness. 

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:  Friday 3rd


Everyone goes through periods of self-doubt, Leo. We also get our moments of glory. Right now, you should enjoy the better of the two options.  It’s a confident week, where it’ll be hard to set a foot wrong. So act with confidence – secure in the knowledge that the planets will treat you well.   Enjoy your well deserved rewards.

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Sunday 5th

Friendships take more time and attention; and if the way opens for new romance, love could merge with professional pursuits.  Finances share the same optimism.  All in all – it’s a time to keep all options open. Seize each and every opportunity for success and happiness.  You shouldn’t rule out a short trip or longer journey, either.


Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Tuesday 7th

If you’re looking for trouble, you needn’t go far.  Arguments and ego clashes are just part of this week’s whole package – with many Librans unleashing repressed anger.  Perhaps, though, you should let go of past hurts.  Consider this a healing week – a time to rid yourself of old ghosts or guilt.   Forgiveness frees everyone.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)


Best Day: Monday 6th

The week whisks many Scorpios from their work and plants them in the romantic playground. Indeed, where ever affections are aimed – there’s a strong promise of reciprocation.  Good news, for those starved of requited body warmth.  Even if you just achieve a new friendship, there’s no loss.  Just more love. 

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Wednesday 8th


Fate, in it’s wisdom, is pointing you in a new direction; one that may feel less secure than you’d like, but which is precisely what you need.  Don’t fight the inevitable, Sagittarius.  Go with the flow, and you’ll soon arrive at a destination that feels promising.  Expect a well-earned change in lifestyle in the months to come.  

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 

Best Day:  Thursday 9th

You’re not your usual focused self this week, Capricorn.  Stop wasting time and start making definitive decisions.  Alluring job options or hot romantic prospects are there for the taking, but they’ll just vanish if you’re looking the other way.  The upside is that finances flow more freely.  A time for comfort shopping, perhaps?  


Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Saturday 4th

Aquarians are fed up with being taken for granted.  So, what to do?  Depends on your outlook.  Some shrug their shoulders and walk away from the sorry mess.  Others become agitated.  Just don’t do anything rash.  It’s a planetary muddle up there – so wait a while.  Do the unthinkable this week – take some time out, and pamper.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)


Best Day:  Monday 6th

The cosmos asks Pisceans to slow down.  Try to gently coast through each day, and you may be pleasantly surprised at who’s cruising along beside you.  Life may be quieter this week, but in no way are you robbed of sexual magnetism.  You will be noticed – delightfully so.  Money’s not too much of a problem.  Just take care not to overspend.

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